An Image of the Worker from Godenholm

 "Einar thought that Gaspar was born in a village in Lorraine. While still a child he ran away from home to lead a nomadic and adventurous life, of which he revealed few details. Gaspar moved about the world physically, just as Schwarzenberg moved mentally. He paid the price with his flesh – in work, in fatigue, in danger. He was never without work and the amount of labouring he endured was staggering. There was an automaton character in his work that seemed to strengthen his muscles rather than fatigue them. He had the rhythm of wandering across the desert, with distant bodies of water to reach. The strange thing was that Gaspar seemed satisfied with it. Working to the point of exhaustion put him in a good mood. No doubt this was why he had always aspired to it, seeking work that others hoped to avoid – in the quarries and mines, in the colonial mercenary forces, in the work camps and prisons. He could have been an excellent example of perpetual motion if he had not always faced the unexpected, driven on by a kind of absurd carelessness."


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